The rainbow crow, also known as the ‘Many Coloured Crow’, is a Lenape tribe legend, symbolising the value of selflessness and sacrifice. A long time ago, a crow bravely rescued forest animals from the snowstorm that promised to bury them. Wise Owl chose Rainbow Crow for this arduous journey. His voice was enchanting and his feathers were of all colours glistening in the sun's rays. With his voice, Rainbow Crow summoned the Creator out to solve this freezing dilemma. A blazing, glowing fire burned on a stick given to Crow. This fire stick was to be flown to Earth quickly before the stick burned up. This journey caused Rainbow's feathers to catch on fire and turn black and the smoke strangled his beautiful singing voice. Rainbow Crow did save the animals of the earth and warmed them with the fire but sacrificed much. The Creator and animals never forgot and honour crow - the hoarse voice prevents man from putting him into a cage to sing and men won't eat crow because the creator made his flesh taste of smoke. He would always be free.
Although the crow’s beautiful singing voice has been strangled by the smoke, its once colourful feathers scorched by the fire, he remains a symbol of selflessness, as its shiny black feathers shimmer under the sun, reminding the people of its sacrifices.
彩虹烏鴉(Rainbow crow)又稱為多彩烏鴉,是,(英語:Lenape)神話中的生物之一。傳說中很久之前,美洲發生一場異常漫長的大暴雪,覆蓋了整個大地,動物們都快要凍死在即之時,最後牠們商議是否要從動物中派出一位勇士,去向偉大的創世神求助。這時候在鳥類中擁有羽毛最美麗的(彩虹鴉)自告奮勇為大家背負了這段艱辛的旅程;最後牠終於找到了創世神,神於是將火賜與牠。彩虹鴉用咀喙著火回去拯救大家,但過了不久火便慢慢將牠翼膀的羽毛都烤成了焦黑,原本漂亮色彩的羽毛如今只依稀可辨,而且牠的美妙而響亮的聲音,也因為煙燻而令到叫聲變得粗糙沙啞,但牠一直堅持到最後一刻!似時牠飛過大地巳回覆了温暖,動物們正圍看着全身被火燻黑的彩虹鴉,大家都傷心不巳!此時連偉大的創世神也被彩虹鴉的英勇行為而感動,神便賜了牠一個新生命後便說,以後沒有人再會捉你來吃,因為我賜你的肉難吃,也沒有人會困你在籠子放在家中,因為我賜了你難聽的叫聲,以後大家就叫他做烏鴉吧。
18kg & Silver 925 Crow Necklace (Lava stones)
定價 $13,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Skull Bangle
定價 $11,000.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Necklace Set
定價 $10,990.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Necklace Set & Bracelet
定價 $10,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Buckle
定價 $8,000.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow with Stones Necklace
定價 $7,500.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Necklace Set
定價 $7,500.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Necklace Set
定價 $7,300.00定價單價 / 每 -
Raven Bracelet
定價 $6,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Natural Stones Bangle
定價 從 $4,200.00 起定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Stone Beads Necklace
定價 $2,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Stone Beads Necklace
定價 $2,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Ring
定價 $1,800.00定價單價 / 每 -
Crow Wing Ring
定價 $1,600.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow stones beads necklace
定價 $1,400.00定價單價 / 每 -
Raven Pendant with chain
定價 $1,300.00定價單價 / 每 -
定價 $980.00定價單價 / 每 -
The Raven Bracelet
定價 $580.00定價單價 / 每 -
Silver 925 Ear Cuff (Rainbow Crow)
定價 $488.00定價單價 / 每 -
Silver 925 Ear Cuff (Rainbow Crow) small
定價 $388.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Amethyst Earring
定價 $330.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Earring
定價 $220.00定價單價 / 每 -
Rainbow Crow Earring
定價 $190.00定價單價 / 每