SILVER KINGS 繼12年後再一次以龍元素創作新作品,這款戒指融合了龍和翅膀的元素,並注入「潛龍勿用」的意象創作而成。龍象徵力量、權威、智慧和神性,同時被認為是守護者和保護者的象徵,代表勇氣和保護。翅膀則象徵飛翔和自由,代表追求夢想、超越限制和探索未知的能力。而「潛龍勿用」則象徵著堅忍不拔的能量儲存,就算龍把利爪插入自己的翅膀,誓要保留力量至最後一刻以發揮最大潛力。

SILVER KINGS has once again created a new piece using dragon elements after 12 years. This ring combines the elements of a dragon and wings, infused with the imagery of "the hidden dragon does not act." The dragon symbolizes strength, authority, wisdom, and divinity, and is also regarded as a guardian and protector, representing courage and protection. Wings symbolize soaring and freedom, representing the ability to pursue dreams, transcend limits, and explore the unknown. The phrase "the hidden dragon does not act" signifies the unwavering energy reserve, indicating that even if the dragon sinks its claws into its own wings, it vows to retain its strength until the last moment to unleash its maximum potential.